Can a Salt Water Flooded Car Be Repaired

Ask anyone about "car flood damage repair," and most will say it's impossible. Even car insurance companies, known to avoid spending money, tend to simply write off a flood-damaged car. Since cars are complex machines and flood water is harmful to all modern cars' systems, the answer is usually not a simple one. Hydro-locked engines, short-circuiting electronics and water-logged transmissions are just a few potential results of water damage, not to mention mold, mildew and rust. Flood damage repair can fall into two categories, which can best be expressed as "economical" and "uneconomical."

Uneconomical Car Flood Damage Repairflooded car

When cars get hit by a storm surge or river flooding, they may sit for days or weeks while water saturates everything. This can severely compromise your vehicle's interior, electronics and powertrain. Salt water flooding, even light flooding, does the worst damage to cars. In fact, some experts consider a salt water flooded modern car to be unfixable at any level. Unless you are prepared to completely rebuild the car, you should write off repairing a salt-water or long-term flooded car.

Economical Car Flood Damage Repair

Your repair options depend on the extent of the flooding, water type, depth and duration of submersion. Fresh water isn't as corrosive as salt water, so you might be able to repair a car caught in a river flood. If you drove into a flooded road and the engine died, you might be able to repair the damages. Here's a list of tips and things to check in the event of flooding:

  • Do not attempt to start an engine that has been flooded. A hydro-locked engine, if it even starts, will quickly destroy itself. If the oil level is abnormally high, water probably got into the crankcase because oil floats on water, making it useless as a lubricant. Remove the spark plugs and turn the engine over by hand to force water out of the cylinders. Blowing compressed air into the spark plug holes and intake also helps. Make sure to drain the oil and replace the oil filter.
  • Check transmission fluid levels, as well as the transfer case and differentials, as these may also have been flooded. Automatic transmission discs and bands tend to delaminate in water. Manual transmission synchronizers can be ruined by lack of lubrication, and a soaked clutch may rust to the flywheel. Transmission problems may be allayed by completely draining fluids and refilling, and the clutch may release once you get the engine up to temperature.
  • Pay special attention to safety systems, such as water-contaminated brake fluid or power steering fluid. Water-logged brake fluid, for example, can vaporize leading to a loss of braking power. Flush the brake system and power steering system. Brake pads and shoes may spread rust to rotors and drums, but moving the car may free them.
  • Dry out the car by removing the seats, carpets and insulation completely. Park the car outside on a sunny day, doors and windows open, and lay everything out in the sun — don't forget the trunk. Disconnect all electrical connectors and dry them out with a hair dryer or heat gun.
  • Depending on the level of flooding, you may need to drain the fuel tank to eliminate water contamination.

In general, repairing flood damage is an uncertain venture. Time is of the essence; drying your car out as quickly as possible will give you the best chance at successfully rescuing your ride.

Check out all the tools & equipmentavailable on NAPA Online or trust one of our 17,000 NAPA AutoCare locations for routine maintenance and repairs. For more information on flood damage, chat with a knowledgeable expert at your local NAPA AUTO PARTS store.

Image courtesy of Flickr


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Benjamin Jerew View All

Ben has been taking things apart since he was 5, and putting them back together again since he was 8. After dabbling in DIY repairs at home and on the farm, he found his calling in the CGCC Automobile Repair program. After he held his ASE CMAT for 10 years, Ben decided he needed a change. Now, he writes on automotive topics across the web and around the world, including new automotive technology, transportation legislation, emissions, fuel economy and auto repair.

Can a Salt Water Flooded Car Be Repaired


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