Fox 5 Atlanta Raw Diet Dogs

Dog research, resources & references

All of the cutting-edge dog research, resources and references which guide our approach to dog health and happiness.

Dog research, resources & references

On this page, we share all of the cutting-edge dog research, resources and references which guide our approach to dog health and happiness.

Our customer dog research results

What better way to look at the benefits of raw feeding than by conducting our own dog research with our members?

In a 2020 survey of 3,157 Bella & Duke customers, 92% saw improvements in their dog within 8 weeks and 99% of our customers reported improvements in their dog's bowel movements. Get the highlights from the survey here


A shocking 46% of dogs in the UK are either overweight or obese, these resources explore why this is the case and how we can help our dogs.

  • Studies show dry processed diets, with low protein to carbohydrate ratio have been linked to obesity and health issues in cats HERE
  • BSAVA  study on Obesity
  • Body Weight and the Gut Microbiome article here
  •  Foods that influence Dog Obesity  Dr Karen Becker

Dental health

Resources investigating how to help our dogs keep their teeth pearly white and their breath fresh.

  • Raw Bones reduced dental plaque in dogs study here
  • Periodontal Disease is an epidemic caused by processed starchy food – Dr Tom Lonsdale
  • Oral Disease in dogs and cats due to diet

Cancer dog research & raw diets

These resources and references explore the link between food and cancer in dogs. Including how to help our dog's remain as healthy as possible.

  • Processed Pet food increases cancer risk
  • A raw food ketogenic diet supplies energy in the form of fat and protein which ensures stable blood glucose, improves insulin sensitivity and reduces inflammation and therefore more positive outcome with a cancer diagnosis
  • Aflatoxins found in kibble increase cancer risk

Dog food ingredients

Resources which drive our mission to ensure every ingredient in our food supports your dog's health and happiness.

Broccoli & other cruciferous vegetables

  • This article from the smart canine explains the benefits of adding broccoli to a dog's diet
  • An investigation into the anti-cancer benefits of the compound Sulfurophane, found in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and kale by Daisy Coyle,  accredited practising dietitian (APD) and PhD candidate at the George Institute for Global Health
  • A paper from the American Aging Association on Sulforaphane and its role in ageing and neurodegeneration, discussing its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-aging properties


  • A review paper summarising the biological activities of ginger including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anticancer, neuroprotective, cardiovascular protective, respiratory protective, antiobesity, antidiabetic, antinausea, and antiemetic activities

Offal & tripe

  • An article by Amy Dyck for Homes Alive Pets looking into the benefits of tripe for dogs
  • An article from 2017 in Medical News Today, medically reviewed by Natalie Olsen, R.D., L.D., ACSM EP-C looks at the superfood benefits and risks of eating organ meats/offal, including liver, kidney and heart
  • Evidence-based article written by Daisy Coyle,  accredited practising dietitian (APD) for Healthline looks at the benefits organ meats/offal
  • A resource from the Canine Chef Cookbook looking at whether dogs can eat beef kidney
  • A blog article from Sept 2020 by Julia Henriques for Dogs Naturally about 'why your dog should eat more liver'


  • A 2019 blog looking at the benefits of Kale for dogs from Raw Bistro in the US –

Kelp & sea vegetables

  • Dogs Naturally look into the health benefits of Kelp and other sea vegetables for dogs


  • Blueberry supplementation elicited significantly elevated antioxidant status in the dogs.This suggests that dogs fed blueberries should be better protected against oxidative stress

Bella & Duke raw dog food research

We recently surveyed over 3,000 Bella & Duke customers about what they have seen since switching their dog to raw dog food. We wanted to get a clear, transparent picture about how our raw food was impacting the day-to-day life of the dogs that are eating it. Here is a snapshot of the results that we uncovered –

We are aware that many will be interested in everything that we asked, how we asked it, and the full results we gathered. That is why we made the full survey available to our customers:

Fox 5 Atlanta Raw Diet Dogs


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