Uic Easy Under Standing the Past Gen Eds

Located at the heart of Chicago, the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) is one of the top public research universities in the country and the largest in Chicago. UIC boasts of over 30,000 students enrolled among its 15 colleges. However, with that many students, competition can be fierce in the race to have the highest GPA. But no worries- these easy A classes will put you on track to a 4.0!

1. CLJ 101- Introduction to Criminology, Law, and Justice

Interested in the US justice system? Then this class is for you! CLJ 101 offers an introduction to the justice system and a contemporary overview on crime statistics. Not only that, but you get a chance to express your thoughts about the effectiveness and fairness of out legal system.Scales of justice

2. ENGR 101- Engineering Success Seminar

Engineering majors, we know you'll love this class. Not only is it an easy A, but it focuses on helping you get an internship. As an added bonus, it's required if you want to participate in the Guaranteed Paid Internship Program (GPIP). Paid internship? Sign me up!Engineering success

3. MUS 127/LALS 127- Latin American Music

Music fans, unite! This isn't your typical music appreciation class- instead, you get to explore Latin American music, instruments, and artists, and its development. As an added bonus, this class is also available online, so there's not need to drag yourself to an 8am lecture.Instruments commonly found in Latin American music

4. CS 100- Discovering Computer Science

Computer science is a hot topic right now, and taking this class will help you get an edge over your peers. Instead of focusing on just one topic, this class touches a variety of fields and gives you a basic introduction to them. Some topics covered include the fundamentals of computing, program design, web design, and computer animation.Binary

5. US 101- Introduction to Urban Studies

Not many students at UIC know about our Urban Studies department, but that's a huge mistake. This class is an easy A and serves as an introduction to one of the more unique courses of study available at UIC. Here, you use an interdisciplinary approach to make a general survey of urban issues and experiences.Urban Studies logo

6. SOC 100- Introduction to Sociology

This class introduces you to the basics of sociology. Here, you approach the study of the origins and the cultural and biological development of humankind. You also analyze societies, organizations, and groups, while also exploring their interrelations. As an added bonus, this class can also be taken online!Sociology made up of different people

7. ANTH 235- Biological Bases and Evolution of Human Behavior

Don't be scared off by this class- despite being a 200 level class and worth 4 credit hours, this class is still an easy A. Here, you compare human and nonhuman primate behavior, and also look at their evolution and see if there is a biological basis for their behavior.Human and primate playing chess

8. ECON 111- Freakonomics

This is a must-take for anyone interested in economics. Freakonomics is an introduction to how economists think about problems. It also considers how economic analysis illuminates current events and puzzles by focusing on how people respond to certain incentives.The way you think

9. GEOG 100- Concepts in Geography

This class focuses on geographic concepts in regards to cultural, urban/economic, physical, and regional geography. It's a must take if you're interested in geography since most upper-division courses will require this class as a pre-requisite.Map of the world

10. KN 137- Personal Fitness

This class can be the start of a lifelong change (or making it the longest you stick to your New Year's Resolution of working out). The class begins by evaluating everyone's fitness level, so you can be sure that your exercise regimen is tailored to your needs. Then, you participate in a group exercise program, while occasionally discussing fitness related topics.Woman runningCollege can be rough, but rest assured that there are plenty of classes where you can get an easy A to pad your GPA. Most of these classes have no requirements to get in either, so it's open to everyone of any major.


Source: https://oneclass.com/blog/university-of-illinois/66027-10-easiest-classes-at-uic.en.html

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